Gone are the days where family portraits consisted of mom, dad and the kids strategically placed, staring solemnly at the camera.
Forget all the "rules" of photography for a second.What's really important here is that naughty expression, that thoughtful look, first steps and playful grins. It's hard enough to catch those moments without still having to consider the right composure, lighting or shutter speed.
But then, you can still take good photographs.
Tip 1. Go closer.
Its typical for most people to pick up their camera, and take a photo of something, not thinking to move just a little bit closer first. Does that mean you need a bigger zoom lens? No! It means, move closer, get down on the ground, run if you have to - but close ups are, in my opinion, the key the successful family photos, or even just portraits in general. Sometimes though, you might want to have just a little bit of the background in focus, if it helps tell a story of what was happening at the time you took the photo.
Tip 2. Don't go anywhere without a usable camera.
By usable, I don't just mean a camera that is working, I mean one that you know takes printable photos. Buy a small bridge camera, or even a smart phone with a decent camera if you have to, as long as it stays glued to your body at all times.
Tip 3. Take as many photos as you can.
Chances are, your first attempt won't be perfect. Or your second. Or the third. Take as many photos as you can of whatever it is that inspired you to pick up your camera in the first place. Shoot from different angles and positions. Click click click!
Most importantly, be sure to capture the spirit of your little ones, or loved ones. Photographs are, after all, just an extension of your memory!